answer the following:
answer the following: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father's gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. At back Of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream, Of squirrel's game, in tree room, other than this. (i) (ii) (iii) Who is the 'unlucky heir' and what has he inherited ? What is the stunted boy reciting ? Who is sitting at the back of the dim class ?

Dear Student.

i) The unlucky heir refers to the paper-seeming boy with rat's eyes. He had inherited his father's disease due to which his growth was stunted, bones were twisted and features gnarled.
ii) The stunted boy recites his father's gnarled disease which means that as an heirloom, he has inherited a disease from his father brought on by their poor living conditions. 
iii) A small child is sitting at the back who is referred to as 'unnoted, sweet and young.' The whole class is dull and dim but this particular child is different from others. His eyes are full of dreams of being a squirrel and playing in a hollow tree.  

We hope that this answer solves your query.

  • 1
  1. The stunted boy in the class and he has inherited his's gnarled disease.
  2. His lesson or his experience with this disease from his disk
  3. One unnoted boy who is sweet and young who is a day-dreaming person
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