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Egg is the female gamete. It is produced by female reproductive system as a haploid cell, which later fuses with sperm ot male gamete to produce zygote.

In eggs the proportion of proteins and fats varies and the yolk is accordingly known as 'protein yolk' or 'fatty yolk.' Based upon the amount of yolk and its nature of distribution the eggs are grouped into three types. These are as under: 
Oligolecithal Eggs: The yolk granules in this type of egg are fine, evenly distributed and the amount of yolk is small and are found in echinoderms, lower chordates.
Telolecithal Eggs: In this type of egg, yolk is found in excess and is in the form of large platelet like granules. The yolk is unequally distributed, more densely packed in the posterior half and are found in amphibians, cyclostomes, , ganoids and ling fishes.
Centrolecithal Eggs: In this type of egg yolk is centered in the interior and the cytoplasm forms a thin coat on the external surface. such eggs are found in arthropods.


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