Answer this question

Answer this question an what will be the (W) 900 of ion? at an angle 450, then at what angle ray be (in 120' (d) If a beam of light is im-ident at then what the incident and the (e) Which of the is about a tomato that appears red? I t light and reflects Others, It reflects red light and absorbs all others. (iii) It transmits red light and ail ( i v ) It reflects red light and tiansmits all others. (f) Is it easier to read rough pages or glossy pages? It is easier to read from glossy pages as it better. (ii) I is easier to read from glossy pages as we can see better every It is easier to read from rough pages as it diffuse reflection and we from any angle. ( i v) It is easier to read from glossy pages as it can produce *are because Of reflection. 2. Without reflection, we would only be able to see luminous such as bulbs and computer Screens. Give reason and explain. 3. If a toddler crawls towards a mirror at a rate of 025 mls, and the toddler's image approach each other? Analyse I. Draw the reflected rays for shown in Figure 16.25. Also show the image diagram.

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Sorry the question no.are c ,d and e
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