Antony argues for his friend Julius Caesar like a brilliant defense lawyer.
Discuss how he was able to connect with the mob with his arguments and get justice for his friend’s murder.

Antony was a very nice orator. His speech was a combination of art,skill and cunningness which directly  appeal to the hearts of people. He was able to connect to the mob because he was trying to prove Brutus wrong by giving suitable reasons. yet he was not directly saying that Brutus and conspirators  were  wrong.  Because of this the people thought that Antony was  not taking side of Caesar yet he is only telling about Caesar,s kindness on people. or He is only telling the truth which swayed the people on his side.( instances of Caesar,s kindness were;- seventy five drachmas, orchards, refusal of throne. etc.) 
You can also add these instances. and if it is of five marks then you have to discuss some of antony,s arguments which he gave.
Hope it helps...

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