Antonym of hire

fire ,dismiss
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The Antonym for hire is - fire, let go, cancel.
Reason - Hire means to pay the person for some temporary work.
Fire - There are 2 meanings - 1) Combustion of an object. 2) To dismiss a person from a job.
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Dismiss is an antonym of hire
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fire(e.g.fired from the job)
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The Antonym for hire is - fire, let go, cancel.
Reason - Hire means to pay the person for some temporary work.
Fire - There are 2 meanings - 1) Combustion of an object. 2) To dismiss a person from a job.

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Fire is the antonym of hire as hire means to give someone a job, whereas fire means to remove someone from a job. So, these words are visibly antonyms.
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