applications of reactivity series of metals

Reactivity series the arrangement of metals in decreasing order of their reactivity.

It helps in concluding the result of displacement reactions between a metal and the salt solution of other metal.

The more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from its salt solution but a less reactive metal can not displace a more reactive metal from its salt solution.

For example: 

Fe can replace Cu from CuSO4 solution to form FeSO4.

But there is no reaction between the Cu and FeSO4 solution.

This is simply because Fe is more reactive than Cu.

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This arrangement aids the understanding of the properties of metals, helps to explain differences between them.

enables predictions to be made about a metal's behaviour, based on a knowledge of its position or properties.

It also allows prediction of the relative stability of the compounds formed by an element: the more reactive the metal, the more stable its compounds are likely to be.

The position of a metal in the series determines the reactions of the metal with various reagents, the displacement of one metal from its compound by another metal, and the method of extraction of a metal from its ore.

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the metal will react with chemicals in the human body.some metals react more strongly with oxygen or water. We learn there is a 'league table' of chemical reactivity called a reactive series. Potassium and sodium are at the top, being the most reactive metals, and silver and gold are at the bottom, being the least reactive.

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One of its application is in extacting metals of lower reactivity by high reactive metals

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