Around 3900 years ago we find the beginning ofa major change. People stopped living in many ofthe cities. Writing, seals and weights were nolonger used. Raw materials brought from longdistances became rare.Why ?

The following points may help you:

a. Historians have come up with various conclusions as to why such dramatic changes came up where people just stopped living in the cities, writing , seals were no longer used.,
b. There could be environmental reasons, there could have been floods wiping the cities. or deforestation that effected the forest cover, or drying up of rivers,
c. Historians  have also attributed such a change could be because of political reason with rulers losing control over cities, people began to move to new settlements.

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Scholars suggest that there was deforestation. And fuel was needed to bake bricks. Some suggest that there was river drying. But river drying and flooding may have affected only some of the areas. It seems as if the rulers lost control.

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