As per this definition of Crawling Peg system and Managed Floating System
What is the difference between the two???
Arent they both similar as per this definition???

As per this definition of Crawling Peg system and Managed Floating System What is the difference between the two??? Arent they both similar as per this definition??? 9.18 NEER, (b) REER, (c) RER and (dj Parity Value Nominal Effective Exchange Rote INEERit The measure "t average 01 a gnen currency with respect to other currencies Is called Effective Exchange Pair Since do not the eilccl o[peicc changes, this ruay also be Exchange Rate INEÉ.RV •Thus. NEER Is the ntcasure oJavcragc relative strength OJ currencu respect to other currencies eliminating the of pace (b) Real Exchange Rate (REER): It calculates an exchange ratc On real c.\cl.angc rale instead of nominal rate, (c) Real Exchange iRERl: It Is the exchange rate which is based ou constant eliminate the effect of price changes. (d) Parity Value' In a (ixcd exchange rate system. the value of currency is fixed another currency or in terms 01 gold This Is known as parity •.alue or currency 9.19 (a) Crawling Peg System (b) Adjustable Peg System and (c) Managed Floating Systern ta) Crawling Peg System: is a compromise between fixed exchange rate and exchange rate, According to Crawling Peg system, J country specifies a parity value [or currency and allows adjustlnent, i.e.. perinits Vhe exchange rate to fluctuate with! margin 01 one per cent above or below ( thc parity value, There is a celling and floor so that it can provide sorne discipline on the part 01 monetary authorities. (b) Adjustable Peg System: It Is a system under which member countries (or peg) currencies' rate of exchange against onc particular currency The fixed or pegged exchange could be adjusted under certain conditions. That is why It is called adjustable peg. Acoun exchange rate is allowed to nuctuate upward or downward from par value of its within a margin (c) Managed Hoating System: (020/0C, 121 It is a system in which the central allows the exchange rate to be determined by market forces but intervenes at influence the rate. This system Is hybrid or combination of fixed and flexible exchange r The exchange rate is managed or controlled by government intervention but the intervent: discretionary On the part of government or monetary authority 9.20 guestions for Revision with Answers What is foreign exchange It is the rate at which currency Of One country can be exchanged for currency 01 Ans. country, Deline foreign exchange mnrkei. 9.2 It is the market where national currencies 01 various countries are conv Ans. exchanged or Craded, Describe the equilibrium in foreign exchange marker 9.3 Ans. Equilibrium in a freely fluctuating foreign exchange market is brought about

Dear student,

In Crawling peg system, exchange rate is determined  by authority only a small adjustment is allowed in exchange rate. It is a compromise between fixed and flexible exchange rate.

In Managed Floating rates are determined by market forces of demand and supply, with small intervention of monetary authority as and when required, it is mix of fixed and flexible exchange rate.


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