bring out the difference in the character of sophie and jansie. ?

Sophie and Jansie were different from each other. Sophie was a dreamer who enjoyed creating her own fantasy world using her imagination. She showed an urge to transcend her working-class status and attain sophistication by pursuing the ambition of a fashion designer or an actress. Jansie, on the other hand, was more practical and realistic than Sophie. She tried to pull Sophie back to reality, but all in vain. Jansie’s sensibility and maturity are evident in her attempt to remind her friend that they were earmarked for the biscuit factory, and expensive dreams were inappropriate to their financial status.

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Simple terms:
Jansie--------> Realistic, as she knows that their future is in the biscuit factory in the city.
Sophie--------> Complete contrast to Jansie, as she dreams of becoming an actor and having her own botique                              shop and so on. Though she knows that these will not happen she lives in such dreams.

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Sophie and Jansie are class-fellows and friends.They belonged to lower middle class families.Yet they are very different from each other.Jansie understands her limitations well and knows that both of them are earmarked for biscuit factory.But Sophie is totally blind to realties of life.She lives in her own dream world.She dreams of big and beautiful things.She wants to have a boutique.She also entertains the idea of becoming an actress.She loves to be nice and sophisticated.Jansie and Sophie are poles apart in their thinking and temperament.Sophie is all lost to herself and her dreamy world.There is only one person who first shares her secrets and he is her elder brother Geoff.Jansie is nosey and takes interest in knowing new things about others.Sophie know that she will spread the story in the whole neighbourhood.Sophie is incurable escapist and adoresthe young irish footballer Danny Casey.She remain whar she always is--a Dreamer.

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