bring out the irony in best seller?

The biggest irony of the story 'Best Seller' is that the protagonist does the same thing which he considers to be happening in love stories and fiction. While talking about the best seller, 'The Rose Lady and Trevelyan', he remarks that such love stories, with people of different ranks marrying each other, happen in books only. In real life, people generally hunt up someone from their own station and rank. On the contrary, he himself, being a salesman, married a woman who belonged to high rank.

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"Best Seller" is a story where John, who is highly critical of the best sellers where Turkish Pashas mix with Vermont farmers, or English Dukes with Long Island clam diggers or Cincinnati agents with the Rajas of India, goes on to narrate his own love story that turns out to be as fantastic as any of the best sellers.This explanation clearly depicts the truth of the matter that 'what one practices is often contrary to what one says." This is the irony that has been projected in the short story Best Seller.Pescud had a negative attitude towards the writters of the best sellers who used to mix characters from different backgrounds but himself married a girl high above his status. this is the irony
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The biggest irony of the story 'Best Seller ' is that the protagonist does the same thing which he considers to be happening in love stories and fiction. While talking about the best seller, 'The Rose Lady and Trevelyan ', he remarks that such love stories, with people of different ranks marrying each other, happen in books only. In real life, people generally hunt up someone from their own station and rank. On the contrary, he himself, being a salesman, married a woman who belonged to high rank.
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The story of bestseller is the biggest irony because here the main protagonist claims something and practices something else. In other words he is a hypocrite. The name bestseller suggests that d story must be about a bestseller only. The protagonist john A pescud highly criticises the bestseller due to its unrealistic and imaginative story. He says a person marries someone by clarifying their status only. This suggests that he might be a person who completely don't believe in such kind of marriage. But when he tells his own story that he married to the daughter of a rich person whereas he is a salesman. He followed her madly and finally married. His story is not less than a bestseller. But he still says that the story of a bestseller is unrealistic. This is the irony in the story.
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Best Seller" is a story where John, who is highly critical of the best sellers
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the irony is that even though john criticizes best sellers , his life and marriage was almost the same as the ones that occur in best sellers . 
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Pescud who criticizes the plot of the best seller narrating the romance marriage between people of different strata as unrealistic, successfully plots to win over a bride far above his own social status much in the same way.Again, while pursuing his romantic dreams pescud claims tht he let his 'plate glass business go to smash for a while'. at the end of the story as we see pescud getting down at coketown to fulfil a whimsical desire of his dear wife, irony surfaces once again.
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There are lots of ironies in the lesson Best Seller. John is highly critical of best sellers, he thought that writers slid b consistent with their characters, he also thought dat all best sellers r alike where an American hero falls in love with a Royal princess and follows her till her father's kingdom he call such stories unrealistic  while ironically  his own story is much the same.
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Conveying a message that is opposite of the word's literal meaning is called irony. The title 'Best Seller' is quite ironical.O. Henry known for his identical plot and surprise ending criticised the hypocrite people who have hollow values in their life. John A. Pescud was a hypocrite. He pretended to cherish middle-class values. He critised 'the best sellers' as imaginary as imaginary stories and very unrealistic plots.He criticised a lot the hero of the best seller,The Rose Lady And Trevelyan. The hero Trevelyan fell in love with a Royal princess from Europe.He followed her to her father's Kingdom. John A. Pescud criticised him and told that in real life people like to marry in their own marry in their own status and social background. Ironically,Pescud himself turned out to be the 'Best Seller'.He sold a highly romantic and exaggerated version of his life to the narrator.He was not at all different from "Trevelyan".He also fell in love with Jessie, who was like a princess and followed her to her hometown.Not only that, while he criticised the overromantic Trevelyan, he himself was wandering in Coketown in search of petunias for his princess.
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Nice chapter keep supporting and helping and sharing us thx ..... Plz click on ☺☺☺this icon down
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the protogonist does the same thing which he considers to be happening in love stories and fiction
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Havha ha
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