calculate ndp(fc) and private income
domestic product accuring to government-300
wages and salaries-1000
net current transfers to abroad- -20
current transfers from government-40
contribution to social security scheme by employees -200
undistributed profit-20
net factor income to abroad-0

NDPFC = Wages and salaries + Rent + Interest + corporate tax + dividend + undistributed profit
        = 1000 + 100 + 130 + 50 + 100 + 20 = 1400

Income accruing to private sector from NDPFC = NDPFC - Domestic product accruing to government = 1400 - 300 = 1100

Private income = ​Income accruing to private sector from NDPFC + Net current transfers from government - Net current transfers to abroad- Net factor income to abroad  = 1100 + 40 -(-20) - 0 = 1160

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