can anyone explain me what is sandhi in hindi grammer:?

it means joining of two words, in which both words will change.

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hope it helps, and in cases the second word will change, it depends

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the joining of two words resulting in a new word is called sandhi....

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do varno(dhavniyo) ke passpar mel se jo vikar(parivartan) hota hai, usae sandi kehte hai.

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संधि शब्द का अर्थ है 'मेल'। दो निकटवर्ती वर्णों के परस्पर मेल से जो विकार (परिवर्तन) होता है वह संधि कहलाता है। जैसे - सम् + तोष = संतोष ; देव + इंद्र = देवेंद्र ; भानु + उदय = भानूदय।

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sandhi do shabdo ka mel hai !

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when two words are joined together to form a new word

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A sandhi is a polymer and white is not clear 3rd century earth is the capital in the online world of the earth that is a place 3rd place on the nature
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