Can anyone help me with this question?

Can anyone help me with this question? PQRS PQRS (c) given along"dc A O is an ray that makes •n angle Of mth MM, the the the my , (d) •t the the •t Why? of frquexies. 4 (a) State the condition. the now of current in electric cgcuit. (b) A coal of tmsul:red Is wourxd around a •oft Iron har The of the cod are conrrcted to a B •s the figure (i) Stae the 'kveo*d at ends P Q the key K clo•ed_ (iii Otr way o f Of thus formed.

Dear Student ,1(e)We know that v=fλf=vλfα1λAs wavelenght ratio 3:5 frequency ratio will be 5:3
Kindly post different query in separate threads

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Question 3 A is the question i need plzz help
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