Can anyone please write a debate "for" the topic, "SHOULD EXAMS BE BAND"?

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:

  1. exams sholud be banned
  2. increased stress for the students
  3. pressure on the weak students
  4. creates nervousness and anxiety
  5. affect the health of the students
  6. students try to resort to use of unfair means
  7. is just a formality
  8. children learn just for the sake of doing it
  9. they forget everything as soon as the exams are over
  10. no practical knowledge

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Although many students and teachers dislike grades an exams, there needs to be an objective standard that measures what a student has learned. Without exams, teachers would be forced to resort to two methods of grading. First, they could choose not to assign grades. This, however, does not give employers and colleges a fair method to objectively evaluate whether or not a student is capable of learning the material presented to them and whether or not they have mastered the abilities necessary to carry out specific functions. Second, the teacher could assign grades subjectively. This also undermines the idea of an objective evaluation because it harms students who may anger the teacher for various reasons and aids students with excellent social skills put who have a poor mastery of the material. Exams correct for these flaws by providing for a more objective basis for evaluating what a student has learned.Contention 2: Exams serve as a feedback mechanism for the teacher.Another reason to give exams to students is that teachers need an objective basis for determining whether or not they have taught a specific section of the material properly. Since the only way to do this is to test the students' mastery of the material, exams can provide teachers with valuable information as to whether or not they need to change their teaching styles or the way that they presented the material. If most students do poorly on questions from a specific unit, for example, teachers will be able to correct their styles and aid students in mastering the proper material.Pro's CaseThe opponent's case rests on the idea that students find them stressful. This is not a reason to affirm, however. First, I gave you net benefits that show that you should negate. Second, not all students find exams stressful, so this is just an unwarranted assertion that you can throw out. Finally, turn this argument because this prepares students for life. Life is obviously a very stressful experience, so by giving students stress now, exams help them prepare to deal with life's challenges in the future. That means that the fact that exams are stressful is good and is another reason to negate.I strongly urge a negation of the resolution.

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i am going against the motion -

actually this topic is intresting so it goes like this -

actually in my opinion exams should be conducted means no one likes exams but think is about our future. then we cant achieve any thing in our life now the first step to reach our goals is exams we gust cant say no to exams or band it now lets keep it a side it is a different scenario now what about teachers and let us esume that we are not at all having exams tell me what will we do .actually to me its a very dirty idea of not having exams. actually. another reason not all students find this exams at last i would like to say if this would have happened i would argue like anything.

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please tell me how to stop it

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please tell me how to stop it

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no exams should not be tells how much we understood about the certain topic.therefore exams should not be baned.


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