Can i get the answers fo all the 3 questions.....the para mentioned in the 1st question is also there

Can i get the answers fo all the 3 questions.....the para mentioned in the 1st question is also there remember a past instance where Helen describes winter os a sad What is the Predominant poetic technique used here? snow. Winter was on hill and field. The earth benumbed by his icy touch and the very spirits of tb trees had withdrawn to their roots, and there, up in the dark, lay fast asleep. All life seemed to ebbed away, and even when the sun shone the daywa! Shrunk and cold, As if her veins were sapless and old, And she rose up decrepitly For a last dim look at earth and sea'. The withered grass and the bushes were trans- the to agains dowo The formed into a forest of icicles. Then came a day when the chill ait fiozcn withered.' thin and weak-looking

Dear Student,
Given below are the answers to two of your questions. Kindly post the third one in a separate thread.
  1. 'she rose up decrepitly' is an example of personification.
  2. Helen recalls that the sun was hidden under the clouds the whole day and suddenly broke forth. She described it as 'the sun broke forth in all its southern splendour'. Synonyms for splendour are grandeur, magnificence.
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