Can u help me with timeline for chapter Albert Einstein in school

Dear Student,

The story 'Albert Einstein at School' talks about the initial years of renowned physicist Albert Einstein when he was studying in a German school in Munich. In his History class he told his teacher Mr. Braun that he didn't see the point in learning facts. He was of the opinion that it was more important to know the ideas instead of dates and facts. He despised his school and his slum lodgings. His friend Yuri and his cousin Elsa helped him in his studies but he couldn't learn things by heart. He only liked to study subjects that interested him like Geology and Mathematics and loved to play his violin. Although, Albert was a precocious child, he didn't approve of his school's education system and decided to leave and go back to Milan. He requested the doctor for a medical certificate so that he could be excused for 6 months and come back in time for his diploma. He got the letter of recommendation from his Mathematics teacher, Mr. Koch, to study high grade Mathematics and went to the Head teacher. To his surprise, the Head teacher had already decided to expel him from school for his rebellious attitude. Finally, Albert got what he wanted and said goodbye to Yuri to go back to Milan.


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You can watch videos on YouTube they have beautiful summaries on these topics they were really helpfull
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