Can you get me the answer??

correct  option is C. 
In first case outside solution  is hypertonic, therefore cell  become plasmolysed. Plasmolysis is the process in which cells lose water in a hypertonic solution.
In third case, it is hypotonic  solution outside, therefore cell become turgid.  When the plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution , it takes up water by osmosis.

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Answer is Option 3.
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Can u explain me plzz..
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In a hypotonic solution, conc of solute is more and amount of water is less compared to the cell. So, water moves out, as shown so (A) will be hypertonic. Reverse of this happens in hypotonic so (C) os hypotonic. As water enters the cell,it gets turgidity and becomes turgid so (B) is turgid and loss of water leads to shrinkage of cell called plasmolysed cell so (D) is plasmolysed.
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Thank you so much ishan that means a lot
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