can you give me an example of newspaperarticle writting 

Dear student,

Purpose of an article is: To focus on themes like social concern, narrating an event, description of a place, etc.

  • Heading/Title- must be catchy and sharp
  • By- name of the author
  • Body
I Paragraph: Introduction-  Start with a slogan, a question, an amazing fact, figure or statement.

II/III Paragraph: Content- Causes, effects, present state of affairs, etc.

IV Paragraph: Conclusion- Draw solutions and conclusions

  • Give a title that captures the essence of the subject.
  • Opening sentence should be thought provoking.
  • Strong argument for your ideas should be presented.
  • Use passive voice, humor, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect.

Write an article for a national daily (newspaper) on the topic ‘Obesity-a Curse’.
The Bane of the Modern Day Epidemic: Obesity-a Curse

Dr. A.B Pandey 

Senior Professor, Department of Metabolic Studies, XYZ Institute of Sciences, New Delhi.
Of all the maladies facing the world today, Obesity tops the chart. This lifestyle induced condition is taking on nations by the storm, causing health and societal problems that have reached epidemic proportions with no immediate solution in site. Once considered the privilege of the rich and influential, it is now seen in all strata’s of society, across age groups and ethnic communities. India, with the second highest population in the world, is seeing an alarming rise in the number of obese people in the last decade. Even children as early as ten years of age are now amongst the obese population! This is putting a huge burden on the economic and medical resources, with reduced human capacity and untimely mortality. 

Causes of obesity
Urbanization and technological revolution giving easy access to transport facilities, consumption of processed foods, soft drinks and snacks on the go and pursuit of indoor activities as against outdoor games that push down activity levels are all contributing factors for obesity. Added to these are the media advertisements associating elite lifestyles with choices that are unhealthy and detrimental but which seem attractive in the first glance. Increased consumptions of sweets, alcohol and the new wave of burger chains and pizza outlets have worsened the situation. 

Who is Obese? 
The most reliable method to check obesity is through Body Mass Index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by the square of his/her height in meters. A BMI of between 18.5-25 is normal, between 25-30 is overweight and more than 30 indicates a state of obesity.

Adverse Effects of Obesity
Obese people are at increased risks of diseases like cardiovascular disorders, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome amongst women of reproductive age; and many types of cancer. Bone and joint problems, osteoarthritis, sleeping disorders, infertility, strokes, multiple myelomas and Hodgkin’s lymphoma are other life crippling conditions that are found most amongst obese populations. In any society, obese people are generally at their lowest in terms of work productivity, ease of mobility, mental health and well-being, societal acceptance, self-esteem, levels of life enjoyment and satisfaction. No doubt obesity is a personal, social and national curse. 

The Road Ahead
The solution to this problem lies in prevention as far as possible through adoption of healthy lifestyles by adults and inculcating the same amongst children from a very young age. Participating in sports, yoga or exercising regularly is highly recommended for all age groups. Age appropriate activity for about an hour, three times a week is sufficient to keep off the weight gain and bulging waistlines. Eating nutritious home cooked food and adding sufficient servings of fruits and vegetables is a must. The consumption of junk foods should be minimized to special occasions and weekends. School canteens, office cafeteria and food outlets need to be governed by laws necessitating display of healthy food choices. Regular check-ups and preventive consultations with doctors will help people avoid expensive treatments for obesity later in life. Those who have reached a level of obesity that cannot be treated with mere lifestyle alterations can avail of minimal invasive liposuction or the bariatric surgery withspecialist medical professionals. 

Obesity needs to be prevented, or if it has happened, then to be tackled as a priority to avoid its detrimental ill effects on human beings. A collective effort through education, right nutritional counselling and exercise guidance in homes, schools and society at large is the call of the day. With informed choices and conscious effort, we can overcome this problem and pave a healthier way for our coming generations.


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Research your topic. To begin writing a news article you need to research the topic you will be writing about extensively. In order to have a credible, well written, well structured article, you have to know the topic well.

Once you can clearly answer the “5W’s”, jot down a list of all the pertinent facts and information that needs to be included in the article. Organize your facts into three groups:

Create an article outline. Your outline, and subsequently your article, should be structured for like an inverted triangle. The inverted triangle allows you to build your story so that the most important information is at the top

Follow up main facts with additional information. After you've listed all the primary facts in your news article, include any additional information that might help the reader learn more, such as contact information, additional facts about the topic or people involved, or quotes from interviews.
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