cassius was overruled by brutus and antony was allowed to speak on caesars funeral. as antony write a diary entry, how you get to create sympathy for caesar in the hearts the of the people​

Dear Student,
Given below are few points that will help you frame a complete answer. Kindly refer to the Website to find the format of a diary entry.
  • I am so overjoyed at the accomplishment of my goal.
  • I was burdened with the death of my dear friend and guide.
  • It ripped my heart into a million pieces to know that he was betrayed by those he considered his own.
  • When I agreed to speak to the mob, I did assure Brutus that my words would favour him.
  • But anger was the only emotion that filled my mind.
  • I spelled curses on the people who assassinated Caesar.
  • I proclaimed that fury and strife will burden Italy and that destruction and blood-shed will be a common sight in the land. I said that terrible deeds will become common to the people and the spirit of Caesar will seek revenge to his conspirators.
  • I am sure the name of goddess Ate and her revenge in my speech, stirred the hearts of the people.
  • The mob were ready to attack the betrayers.
  • I knew I had done my part.
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Thank you.

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