CCL4 cannot be hydrolysed where as SiCL4 undergoes hydrolysis why?????

CCl4 is not hydrolyzed as SiCl4 because of two reasons:

1. Carbon does not have d-orbitals because it is found in 2nd period i.e. second shell so as the 3d -orbitals are not available and so it can not expand its co-ordination no. above 4.

Since, in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) all the valencies are satisfied, so it can not add any water molecule by any mean so the reaction becomes ;

CCl4 + H2O ---> No reaction.

While in case of silicon, it exists in period 3, which has 3d-orbitals vacant , and so it can expand its octet and can have the co-ordination no. above four so that the additional water molecule can donate a lone pair of electron to the Silicon, thus the reaction becomes:

2. Due, to smaller size of C-atom it is shielded by the larger Cl-atoms while in case of Silicon due to larger size, the extent of shielding is not that large and so attack of water is possible for hydrolysis.

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since in CCl4 carbon is the first member of its family so it does nt cantain vacant d-orbital to accomodate the lone pair of oxygen of H2O so it is nt easily hydrolysed while in SiCl4 Si is nt the first member in its group so it contains vacant d orbital n is able to accomodate lone pair of electrons and thus it is easily hydrolysed.

hope its correct!!!

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