central idea of the poem "the brook"

Lord Alfred Tennyson, in his poem, The Brook, presents a comparsion between two important themes--mortality and eternity. This comparison is the central theme of the poem. Mortality, is represented by human life, which has only limited time of existence on earth. This is contrasted by eternity--or the life of the brook, or nature which has been before man was, and will outlive him too. Thus the poet says, 

For men may come and men may go, 
But I go on for ever

Hope thus helps. Best.

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The central idea of the poem "The Brook" is thatObstacles come in everyone's life and wev should not fear from them but keep on moving on our way.

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The Poem THE BROOK Speaks about the journey of the brook from its origin to meet the sea and compares it to the human life , the journey for birth , facing may difficulies , feeling happy and sad , and at last the life joins death. The central idea is how even though there are difficulties in life , we must learn to overcome it and move on because at the end of every life death waits.

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THE BROOK written by lord alfred tennyson in an autobiography of the brook,in which it describes its journey,comparing it to the life of every man.just like the brook encounters many hurdles along its journey,man too has to face many difficulties,surprises and unexpected dangers in life.the poet suggests that no journey can be smooth.

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