Chapter - The deep water!

Dear Student,

Roosevelt said, ”All we fear is fear itself". Douglas had experienced both the sensation of dying and the terror that the fear of death can cause. Strong will, determination, courage and toil as well as honest labour won over all his terrors and fears. The will to live brushed aside all his fears.

In reality all our fears are only psychological and can be easily won over if we control our mind. This realisation made Douglas resolve to learn swimming by engaging an instructor. This instructor, piece by piece, built Douglas into a swimmer. However, his first step was to drive away Douglas’ fear of water before training him in swimming techniques. When Douglas tried and swam the length of the pool up and down, some traces of his old terror of water returned to him. So, he went to Lake Wentworth, dived at Triggs Island and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. Finally, he conquered his fear of water.


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