Character sketch of elli and lies

Dear Student,

Character sketch of Elli Vossen

Elli Vossen wasgiven the pseudonym of B ep Voskuijl in the book. She was one of the two secretaries working in the building who found Anne's diaries. She was a twenty-three year old typist whose father Mr Voskuijl who worked in the warehouse. Ellie used to work in the big front office along with Miep Gies and Mr Kleiman.

Ellie feared for her boyfriend who had been sent to Germany to whom she eventually got engaged. She did not love him but factors like securing a comfortable future considering the fact that her father was terminally ill and she was the oldest unmarried daughter among four girls tipped the scales in favour of Bertus who just a labourer.

Anne thought of her as a kind, considerate and helpful girl who worked selflessly and tirelessly for the members of the annex. Ellie’s sense of desperation, loneliness and her penurious state were driving factors in accepting a man much lower than her in accomplishments to be her partner. However, she was always cheerful around the girls, the girls had fun when she stayed over because she was closer to them in age and made them forget about present dangers.

She was thoughtful of the girls’ welfare, signing them up for correspondence courses in her name and supplying them with reading material.

Character sketch of  Lies:

Hanneli Goslar or Lies Goosen as she is referred to in the text was a shy and strange girl. She was reserved around other people but quite outspoken at home. Lies was straightforward, always saying what she thought. Lies, along with Anne, had been accepted into the Jewish Lyceum on a conditional basis even though Lies had to repeat her Geometry exam. She had a tough time at home because she had to look after her spoilt two-year old baby sister and could not devote full attention to her studies. This was detrimental to her academic performance in spite of all the tutoring she could get while failure to appease her sister would severe reprimands from her mother. The Goosen household was teeming with people and Mrs Goosen was expecting another baby.

The sudden appearance of an emaciated and disheveled Lies in her dream led to Anne’s realization of her good fortune and the feeling of abandonment felt by her friend at having been left behind. Fate had randomly chosen Anne though there was no difference between them. On the other hand, Lies' pale haunting face and her helplessness and beseeching eyes were testimony to her fate. Lies was instrumental in leading Anne to reflect upon the fate of others and pray for the alleviation of their suffering.




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