Character Sketch of John A. Pescud?

It is strongly recommended that you answer the question on the basis of your own reading the chapter. However, pointers are being provided for your reference.



  • not particularly good looking
  • a travelling salesman for a plate glass company
  • successful: had his salary raised twice in the previous year and his company was to give him a few shares as well
  • His philosophy-A man should be decent and law abiding in her/his hometown.
  • a hypocrite; mocks the stories of best sellers calling them unrealistic. But, in real life he himself follows a girl like the hero of some best seller. He later marries that girl.


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John was not particularly a good looking man. He believed that a man should be decent and law abiding in his hometown. A travelling salesman for a plate glass company, he was an old acquaintance of the narrator. When the two hit the conversation the narrator got a chance to explore John’s view on love, romance and literature. Pescud widely disapproved of the best sellers as he believed them all to be unrealistic. He believed that in reality a man when hunts down his girl to settle down, he looks out for her in his station and not like from these novels where an American swell from Chicago who falls in love with a royal princess from Europe

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