character sketch of vikram aditiya thrane

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Your Question Should Be *Character Sketch Of Vikram aditya throne.*

          Vikramaditya's Throne-->Upa's father is kidnapped from a small village he is working in. Upa and her mother, to distract themselves after receiving such a shock, head to Upa's mother's grandmother's house in a small town. They befriend a stranger with a very long face who goes by the name of Rumpy. He tells them the story of Vikramaditya's throne. King Bhoja tried sitting on the throne but each time he did, the statues around him warned him that he could only sit on the throne if his deeds and kindness were at par with Vikramaditya's. He fails each time he tries to sit on the throne.  Vikramaditya's Throne is a humorous and interesting retelling of stories from ancient times, with every character magically coming alive through the storytelling, appealing to Upa's young imagination.
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