"Children are keen observers. they notice every happening in their surroundings. Injustice in any form can not escape being unnoticed by them." Explain with reference to "Memories of Childhood".

Dear Student,

Whatever injustice that happens in childhood is hard to be forgotten by a child because of the mark it leaves on his heart. It becomes a bitter memory and haunts the child for ever throughout his life.
In the chapter Memories of Childhood, Zitkala-Sa and Bama, both face atrocities in the childhood in the form of social discrimination and oppression, that stays with them throughout and motivate them to rise against it and improve the society in whatever way they can. Zitkala-Sa, on one hand, faces racial discrimination and even after much struggle against the school authorities, had to get her hair shingled, that was a sign of cowardice in her tribe. It was miserable for her to stay at the school and face the indignities on a daily basis, as she noticed how badly were the natives treated. She, later in her life, went on advocating this discrimination in the society, gaining strength and motivation from what she had to face as a child. On the other hand, Bama' community suffered caste discrimination as they belonged to the Dalit community, who were considered 'untouchables' and were looked down by the people of upper caste. Bama saw how her people were ill-treated by the landlords, who were not even considered humans by the upper castes. It left a deep mark on her mind and filled with revolt, she resolved to rise against the oppression and bring justice to her society, which was only possible through hard work and determination towards studies. She later proves herself and people started coming up to her of their own accord.


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this can be explained with referance to Bama a little girl who notices the evil practices in the society ie untouchability she notices a tall old man who is the vicitm of the social evil and is forced to stay away form every thing tht belongs to the people of the so called upper class of the society while she is returning form school to her way back home
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