class 6 icse question on voice.

I have an awesome voice coach right now. I love to sing, and I participate in musicals, talent competitions, and pageants. It is probably one of my favorite things to do. I have tried to see other coaches, but they always get on my nerves, and they don't help me sing as well. After just one lesson with this guy after not seeing him for a whole year, I was able to hit these notes I never knew I could hit before. Next year I will go to school really close to him, and after I could just take the bus there, and then to my dad's job, or my dad could drive me to lessons. The thing is he pays $75 an hour, and my parents are only willing to let me go two times a month, or once a month if I also take voice lessons at school (Which is $500 for 14 lessons in 18 week semester) I am afraid I might not like the teacher at the school, because I only work well with so many people. They say that before competition times, I can up my practice schedule to once weekly for a month or so. My question - would I gain anything by just going to see him once a month? At my school, these are basically just teachers that can sing too. What should I do? I just want to be really good. I have so much room for improvement. I will be in choir next year, and that'll be three times a week. I thought of babysitting money, but I would need to babysit fifteen hours just to pay for one hour. I seriously know people I compete with that are getting record deals and such. I want to reach that level. Would this help improve my voice? Is one hour a month with an amazing coach valuable?

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Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.
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