Complete the following sentences by supplying a suitable unit noun

E. Complete the following sentences by supplying a suitable unit Noun.
Leon bought two sheets of wrapping paper for his mother's birthday present.
Tanmay usually has three Jumps of sugar in his tea.
1. The kitten played merrily with a_______________of wool from the lady's drawer.
2. The car was well polished and clean. There wasn't even a_______________of dust to be seen.
3. His father left him a________________of land near greater Noida and a house in Pune.
4. You need to put just a little_____________ of oil on the wheel to make it run smoothly.
5. Albert bought two packets of sweet and a ____________of milk chocolate.
6. The bag was so heavy, it felt like a__________of concrete.
7. The commando carefully placed a_____________of dynamite under the enemy's bridge.
8. The workmen had left a huge_____________of rubbish after they had finished the renovations.
9. He sat beneath the shady tree slowly chewing a_______________of grass.

Dear student,
Please find the answers below.
1. ball
2. speck
3. plot/patch
4. drop
5. bar
6. lump
7. stick
8. pile/heap
9. blade
Hope they are helpful.

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