Construct a quadrilateral abcd in which ab=3.5cm bc=6.5cm angle a=60 degree angle c=120 degree and angle d=75 degree.
Write steps for construction also.

We know from angle sum property of quadrilateral ,

∠ A  +  ∠ B + ∠ C   + ∠ D  =  360° , So

60° +∠ B + 120° +75°   =  360° 

∠ B =  105°

We follow these steps to construct our quadrilateral ABCD from given information :

Step 1 : Draw line AB  =  3.5 cm 

Step 2 : With the help of protractor we form ∠ BAX  =  60°  and ∠ ABY  =  105° .

Step 3 : We take radius of 6.5 cm and center " B " draw an arc that intersect our line BY at " C " .

Step 4 : Now with the help of protractor we form 120° angle at " C " and angle ray intersect line AX at " D " .

We get our required quadrilateral ABCD :


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