construct a rhombus whose each side measures 5cm and one of its angles id 60 degree

Dear Student,

Follow these steps of construction,Step 1: Draw a line segment AB=5cm.Step 2: At point A draw an angle of 60° and extend the line to AX.Step 3: From point A, take 5 cm on compass and mark the arc on line AX, and name that point D.Step 4: Now from points B and D, cut a 5 cm arc. The point of intersection of these two arcs is point C.Step 5: Join BC and CD.Thus ABCD is the required rhombus.
 Here is the reference figure:


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This is how i got the figure:

Steps of Construction.
1. Draw a line segment AC of any length and from A, draw 30 degree angle upwards and downwards (from the           same point).
2. Extend both the lines and you will get the total angle of one side as 60 degree (30+30=60)
3. From point A, take 5cm on compass and mark it on the 30 degree arm both up and down.
4. Name the points as B and D respectively.
5. Now from point B and D, cut a 5 cm arc. The two arcs will intersect at point C
6. Join AB, BC,CD and DA. 

This is rhombus ABCD.
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