Corruption is a synonym of dishonesty, how can be they different words with different meanings???

Dear Student.

Both the words corruption and dishonesty are negative aspects in any society. Corruption is fraud or deceit while dishonesty is reflected in someone's behaviour or character. Dishonesty is an element of corruption. 

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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because thenoun is baseness and adulteration
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 Synonyms are words with the same meanings  so the synonyms are not different in meanings
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Corruption?is a form of?dishonest?or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.Corruption may include many activities Iike ?bribery?and?embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries.Government, or 'political', corruption?occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain.

Dishonesty?is to act without honesty. It is used to describe a lack of probity,?cheating,lying, or being deliberately?deceptive?or a lack in integrity, knavishness, perfidiosity, corruption or treacherousness. Dishonesty is the fundamental component of a majority of offences relating to the acquisition, conversion and disposal of property (tangible or intangible) defined in?criminal law?such as?fraud.
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