Dear Experts,
Can you please provide me sufficient information on the famines that have occurred so far in our country so that I can complete my project on "The Famines Of India". Please try to provide the answer in brief.

Dear Student,

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:

a. In your project first refer to the meaning of famine, which implies extreme scarcity and shortage of food resulting in deprivation, starvation.
b. Them you may refer to some of the causes of famine like lopsided agrarian policies,drought and other natural calamity etc.
c. Indian subcontinent rather has been extremely vulnerable to famine causing millions of death.
d. Then  you may divide your project into famines that took place during colonial regime and famine after Independence
e. Elaborate on some of the case studies during British rule like the great famine of India in 1876–78.
f. You may also write about major famine in Bengal  of 1770, 1943.
g. After Independence you may refer to case studies of drought which resulted in famine like Bihar drought 1966-67, Maharashtra drought 1972, Bengal 1979-80.
h. Do refer about deaths caused due to malnutrition in many of the Indian states .
i . Refer to government policies to avert famine like situation.

You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your
answer. You can also send us your answers here for a feedback and required corrections,
if any.


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