Dear Experts, Ireally need the answers to these questions, I will be having mock tests from this Wedensday, Thank You!

1) Name the reaction seen during Rancidity of food.

2) Why is a copper vessel covered with a grenn coating in rainy season?

3) What is the relationship betwenn oxidation and oxidising agent in a redox reaction? Explain by giving suitable examples.

4) The gases hydrogen and chlorine do not react with each other even if kept together for a long time. HOwever, in the presence of sunlight, they readily combine. why does this actually happen?


1. Rancidity of food is chemical decomposition of fats and oils.
2. The green coating of copper vessel is actually due to corrosion in rainy season. T​he copper metal reacts with gases and moisture present in air to form a mixture of copper carbonate and copper hydroxide [(CuCO3). Cu(OH)2]. This gives a green colour to copper vessels.

Due to paucity of time, we cannot answer all your queries at once, however have provided answers of 2 of them. Please try solving the rest of these yourself and get back to us in case of any difficulty.

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2) Because the copper vessel is exposed to both air and moisture present in air. So there is a green coating of basic copper carbonate or virdigris {CuCo3.Cu(OH)2 }.

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What abt the answers to 1,3 and 4 ?

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