Dear experts please answer my question!! Please explain the various stages of inter phase in simple terms with the diagram

Dear Student


The cell cycle is the process where a cell divides into 2 daughter cells through a regulated process

It occurs in 2 steps:

  1. Interphase
  2. M phase (mitosis or meiosis)

Interphase: During Interphase, chromosomes are decondensed in the form of chromatin and distributed throughout the nucleus.

Interphase consists of 3 phases:

  • G1 or gap1 phase
  • S or Synthesis phase
  • G2 or gap 2 phase

G1 or gap1 phase 

This phase corresponds to the gap between mitosis and initiation of DNA synthesis. Therefore, at this phase proteins essential for DNA synthesis like DNA polymerase are synthesized and cell growth occurs. All the nutrients which are required for further stages of the cell cycle are checked at this stage before initiating crucial process like DNA synthesis. DNA content at this stage founds to be 2n.


S phase

G1 phase is followed by the S phase, during which DNA copying or DNA replication takes place. At this stage, DNA content usually gets doubled, which is from 2n to 4n, but the chromosome number remains the same. It is the phase where cell spends most of the time. For example -  Mammalian cells spends 7 - 8 hrs in S phase.


G2 phase

S phase is followed by the G2 phase, this phase represents the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis. During this phase all the proteins important for mitosis are synthesized and cell growth continues. DNA content at this stage founds to be 4n.

This diagram helps you to understand.
This is the microscopic picture of a cell at Interphase stage.



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