Dear experts please answer this question as soon as possible.

Name and explain the process which demonstrates the flexibility of the plasma membrane.


Dear Student, Actually it's not the process but Structure of Plasma Membrane (Fluid Mosaic Model) that provides flexibility to plasma membrane. According to fluid mosaic model, plasma membrane is composed of lipid bilayer. In Lipid Bilayer, Cholestrol molecules are scattered that help to keep the fluid inside consistent. Cholestrol and Lipid are responsible for flexibility given. Further details are beyond your level that you would learn in higher classes. For any query, feel free to ask. Regards

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Dear student, 

Plasma membrane is made up of a two layers . This bilayer is composed of two layers of lipids (consists mostly of phospholipids and to a smaller extend of glycolipids). Glycolipids are generally found in the outside layer, whereas phospholipids are predominantly in the inside layer (cytoplasmic side). The other important component of the plasma membrane is protein. Proteins can be associated with the outside (peripheral) of the membrane or they extend throughout the entire membrane (transmembrane). Plasma membrane has 50-50% of both lipids and proteins. Lipids are mainly responsible to give membrane their flexibility.


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