Dear experts please fill this out ASAP

Dear Student,
The solution to your query is as given below:

The fact that Amanda needs to be repeatedly chided about acting properly and conducting herself well when she never listens to and follows the instructions proves her rebellious and disobedient nature.

Amanda's sulking and moody behaviour, her nail-biting, and her slouching tell us of her childish nature.

Amanda imagining herself as a mermaid, an orphan, and finally, Princess Rapunzel are examples of her active and vivid imagination.

The quotes 'I have not a care' and 'I'll certainly never let down my bright hair' tell us about Amanda's stubborn character. She is unwilling to accept orders from anyone.

Wishes/Longs to be Free/Easygoing:
How Amanda imagines herself to be the sole inhabitant of the emerald sea, an orphan roaming the streets alone, and a rebellious and uncaring princess all point at her longing for freedom.

We can see Amanda's lethargic and lazy nature by her unwillingness to tidy her room and her always slouching posture.


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