Debate for the motiona good heart and a good head are a formidable combination

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
. Everyone possesses some goodness inside them. We all possess the capability of being responsible and morally sound humans.
. Intelligence can either be put to ethical or malicious use. It is not necessary that someone who has a good head- that is, is intelligent- will be a good human being too.
. It is only when a person has a good heart and a good head that he can take the correct path to doing things. He is both morally sound and smart enough to make the correct decisions in life. And that makes a good head and a good heart a formidable combination.

Hope this helps.


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A good head & a good heart are always a formidable question😊
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