Define the endoplasmic reticulum term?

Define the endoplasmic reticulum term? L ORGANELLES a.s a membrane around it to keep tents separate from the exter nal nt. Large and complex cells. •IJS from multicellular organisms, f chemical activities to support :ated structure and function TO activities of dif ferent kinds m each other. these cells use bound little Structures lor "thin themselves. This is one of of the eukaryotic cells that em from prokaryotic cells. Some are visible only With an 'scope dked about the nucleus in a Some important examples es which we will discuss now ic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, itochondria. plastids and are irnrortan' because they crucial mncuons in cells. sit using ER, The SER in 'he manufacture of fat moleeqoe.. for Of lipid' in building the known membrane proteins and lipids enzy Although ER greatlv in appearance in different ceUs. it always forms network system. Fig. 5.3: Thus, one function Of the ER is to serve AS channels for the transport of materials lespecially proteins) between various regions of the cytoplasm or between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The ER also functions as a cytoplasmic framework providing a

Endoplasmic reticulum , or ER , is an interconnected network of membranous structureslike tubules, vesicles, and cisternae . Cisternae are the flattened disk-like membranous structures. Tubules are tubular in shape, while vesicles are sac-like structures.

There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum, namely smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) . When ribosomes get attached to the surface of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, it becomes rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum

  • Smooth ER synthesizes fats and lipids.

  • It also takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

  • It actively participates in drug detoxification.

  • It maintains the calcium ion concentration in the cytosol.

Functions of rough endoplasmic reticulum

  • Most of the lysosomal proteins are produced in the rough ER.

  • It transports proteins to various destinations like the plasma membrane.

  • This is the major site of glycosylation (addition of carbohydrates in proteins).

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