define the following terms:1) genocidal war. 2) gestapo. 3)lebensraum. 4) ghetto. 5) holocaust

Dear Student,

For rapid assistance from our experts, we request you to post them in separate threads in the future, meanwhile please find the answers to the above-asked questions - 

1) Genocidal war - Genocide means killing on purpose a particular group and Genocidal war is when there is the mass killing of people based either on their race or religion. 
Example:- during the Second World War Germany killed many people in Europe.

2) Gestapo - is the 'Geheime Staatspolizei' i.e. is the Secret State Police sort formed as 'Gestapo', who was Nazi Germany's official secret police in Europe occupied by the Germans. Its purpose was to eliminate the opposition to the Nazi government.

3) Lebensraum literally means "living space," and Nazis believed in this basic principle that the survival and creation of a great and vast empire would require quite a lot of space which could be acquired from eastern Europe for food supply and raw material.

4) Ghetto​​​ is a part of a city where a minority group usually live under poor conditions. In Nazi-led Germany, the Jews and the Romani were confined in such ghettos where the plight of these people was very pitiful.

5) Holocaust was the actual genocide that did happen during World War II. Nazi-led Germans killed about 6 million Jews, around 2/3rd of Europe's Jewish population. The killings were done by riots and mass shootings in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps, mainly in Auschwitz, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka in occupied Poland.

Hope this answered your question. Look forward to hearing from you again!

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