derive biot savarts law in vector form ??

AnswerConsider a straight infinitely long wire carrying a steady current I. Point P is at a perpendicular distance (AP=) R from the wire. Consider a small element dl of the wire at the point O on the wire. The line joining points O to P (OP=vector r) makes an angle q with the direction of the current element dl. dB=μ0I4πdl×rr3dB=μ04πIdlsinθr2kThe expression for the total magnetic field B due to the wire can be obtained by integrating the above expression asB=μ04πIdl×rr3B=μ0I4πdl×r^r2It is called as the BiotSavart law which gives the magnetic field B generated by a steady electric current I when the current can be approximated as running through an infinitely-narrow wire. If the current has some thickness i.e. current density is J, then the statement of the law is:B=μ0(JdV)×r^4π r3

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accprding to this law magnetic feild B is directly proportional to cross product of current i and length element 'dl'. and also to unit displacement vector bwtn object and point where magnetic feild is to be find.. i.e. at a point on wire B=0, and maximum at perpendicular to wire..
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