describe how crossing over can be used to measure the relative distances between linked loci

Dear student,
If the loci for the two genes are very close, crossing over is unlikely to separate alleles, whereas if they are far apart, crossing over is much more likely to separate them. Therefore, the frequency of crossing over is related to the physical distance between the loci for the two genes
Using map locations to track down genes to clone their DNA by chromosome position.  Fruit fly theory, Huntington's disease,

  • -4
Through linkage and recombination we can measure the relative distance between linked loci which is known as genetic mapping discovered by Alfred Stutevert , a student of Thomson Morgan. 
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Can you briefly describe it..for 7 marks
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linkage is inversely proportional to the recombination thus on the basis of that you can describe the fruit fly theory.
  • 3
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