Describe the appearance of Helen

It was twilight by the time John had come back home but he forgot to turn on the lamp. The other end of the room was engulfed in shadows and furniture. He sat staring at it and presently noticed something taking shape. It was like watching a moving picture cartoon being put together. The ghost of Helen had taken a shape which was long and angular, with enormous fishy eyes behind big bone-rimmed spectacles, and her hair was in a tight wad at the back of her head. She had a jaw which looked so solid that it made John doubt his own senses because he believed that she seemed quite real. This was in spite of the fact that watching her come into shape had been like watching moving picture cartoons being out together. She came over and stood in front of him, glaring at him even though he had never seen her before to get such a strong reaction. He felt quite helpless and at last she barked at him for gaping. He was pretty scared of her by now but then she told that she had come down for him because he had called upon the ghostly muses to help him write a ghost story.

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