describe the major principles of Jainism

Mahavir preached that right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct together were the real path to free the soul from the bondage of karma.His teachings can be categorised as five pillars of Jainism:
  1. not to cause harm to any living beings
  2. to speak the harmless truth only
  3. not to take anything not properly given
  4. not to indulge in sexual pleasures
  5. complete detachment from people, places, and material things.

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PANCHA MAHAVRATAS (The Five Great Vows) : Mahavir considered non-violence to be the greatest principle. He did not approve violence in any form. He gave precepts of behaviour or Pancha Mahavratas to his followers.

(1) Ahimsa (non-violence): No living being should be harmed.

(2) Satya (truth): Truth should be observed in speech, mind and behavior.
(3) Asteya: One should not take what does not belong to him.

(4) Aparigraha: One should not board or accumulate wealth in any form.

(5) Brahmacharya : One should lead a chaste life.

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