Describe the process of sublimation and its applications.

Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase .

Here are several application of sublimation :1.Dry ice sublimes while keeping its area cold. No water is produced to wet things.2.Naphthalene, mothballs, sublime into the air, not getting the area wet, while keeping moths away.3.Iodine can be displaced in a compound and collected on the bottom of a watch glass with ice on top, in deposition, opposite of sublimation. This also occurs as frost is formed on a window from humid air as the dew point falls below freezing.

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Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase .

Sublimation has useful applications in


chemical purification

frost-free refrigeration

Naphthalene balls :whitemoth balls used to ward off insects

Iodine crystals, snow, camphor toilet freshener cakes (para dichlorobenzine) .

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SUBLIMATION - is the process which converts: (a) Solid into Gas

(b) Gas into Solid directly [both (a) and (b)]

Sublimation has useful applications in-

1) frost-free refrigeration

2) chemical purification

3) napthalene balls- white moth balls used to ward off insects

4) iodine crystals, camphor

5) toilet freshener cakes (para dichlorobenzine)

6) printing

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sublimation is a process of conversion of solid into gaseous without coming into liquid is called sublimation.


chemical purification

napthalene balls

toilet fresher.

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