despite the decline in growth rates, the number of people being added every decade is steadily increasing, why??

1)  Growth rate of population declined in India since 1981 due to decline in birth rates and it is considered as positive indicator of birth control
2)  At the same time, India’s population is added every decade, for instance, 182 million people were added to total population in 1990
3)  This may be due to improved health and sanitation facilities and as a result, death rate has been declined considerably.
4)  Apart from death rate reduction, migration also plays a significant role in changing the composition of population

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1. Fertility decline is driven primarily by social change: strengthening family planning programs, investing in human development, delaying first births, and widening birth spacing are all contributing factors in stabilizing growth rate. 

2. Continual combating of the detrimental factors that keep fertility rates high: low educational levels, continued son preference, high infant mortality, gender inequality, and poor status of women. 

3. Systematized government programs to combat the effects of the influence of relatively frequent and devastating natural disasters (e.g. cyclone of 1991, 100,000 deaths). The resultant social and political upheaval that ensues from such disaster influences the intensification of poverty. 

4. Contraception prevalance at 58.1%
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