dfference between organ and organism

Difference between organ and organism
Organ Organism
An organ may be defined as a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function in an organism. Any living creature from unicellular to multicellular, whether prokaryote or eukaryote, plant or animal that exhibits specific characters such as growth, nutrition, respiration, reproduction, excretion and reaction to specific stimuli is called organism.
For example nose and lungs are organs of respiratory system in animals. Bacteria, algae, fungi, apple tree , Amoeba, birds all are organisms.

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organs are made of millions n millions of tissues grouped together.


when many organs combine to form organ systems (such as- digestive system, respiratory system etc)

and lastly, many organ systems combine to form the organism

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An organ is a grouping of tissues that forms a distinct structure like a heart or kidney, and performs a specific task. An organism is a form of life considered it's own entity. Basically, organisms have organs inside of them.

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organs make up organisms and they cant survive without an organisms. on the other hand organisms cant survive without organs and they are composed of organ systems which are further composed of organs.

cell - tissues - tissue systems - organs - organ system - organism

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a group of cells form a tissue a group of tissues

form a organ a group of organs form a organism!!!!

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organ: a group of tissues performing similar function .

organism:organs form organ system and organ system form a organism



please give tumps up.

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