diagramatically represent the different ways in which xylem and phloem can be arranged in a stele

Dear student, 
Please find below the solution to the asked query 

Following types of steles are possible:
1. Protostele: This is the simplest type of stele which consists of a central solid column of vascular tissues with xylem in the centre surrounded by phloem. Pith is absent. On the basis of shape of xylem,i can be divided as:
a. Haplostele: It has a smooth core of xylem.

b. Actinostele: It has a central core of star-shaped xylem.

c. Plectostele: It has xylem tissues in the form of separate plates which lie parallel to each other with phloem lying in between.

2. Siphonostele: This type of stele has central pith surrounded by cylinder of vascular tissues. It can be divided into:
a. Ectophloic siphonostele:This type of siphonostele shows xylem cylinder lying next to pith and surrounded by phloem cylinder on the outer side.

b. Amphiphloic siphonostele: It has two phloem cylinders, one on the inner side of xylem and other on its outer side.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic. 
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  • -1
please refer to NCERT as it better explain this as compared to other net diagrams....
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