difference between radicals and moderates?

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Radicals usually take extream measures to accomplish or try to accomplish their goals. A moderate with the same purpose in mind would protest or try to get legislation to act rather than physical destruction. Generally a radical has a purpose in mind and wants to change something without dealing with the effects of that change...moderates are more civilized and try to come up with ways of actually making something happen.

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Radicals usually take what most people would call extream measures to accomplish or try to accomplish their goals. For instance, if someone were to bulldoze a section of the fence between Mexico and the U.S. because they disagree with its presence, then they would be considered a radical. A moderate with the same purpose in mind would protest or try to get legislation to act rather than physical destruction. Generally a radical has a purpose in mind and wants to change something without dealing with the effects of that change...moderates are more civilized and try to come up with ways of actually making something happen.
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