Following are the important differences between a wave and a particle:

1. A wave is described as a vibration or disturbance having a certain energy that can either be stationary or moving. 

2. Every wave has frequency associated with that distinguishes it from other waves.

1. A particle is physical entity which consists of a certain shape, physical dimensions and mass. It can be either be stationary or moving, and we can be sure about its position in space, unlike wave.

2. Particles do not have a frequency that distinguishes them from one another.

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Dual Behaviour of Matter

  • Matter, like radiation, exhibits dual behaviour (i.e., both particle and wave-like properties).

  • Electrons should have momentum as well as wavelength, just as photon has momentum as well as wavelength.

  • De Broglie gave the relationship between wavelength (λ) and momentum (p) of a material particle.

Where, m is the mass of the particle and v is its velocity

  • According to de Broglie, every object in motion has a wave character.

  • Wavelengths of objects having large masses are so short that their wave properties cannot be detected.

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Dual Behaviour of Matter

  • Matter, like radiation, exhibits dual behaviour (i.e., both particle and wave-like properties).

  • Electrons should have momentum as well as wavelength, just as photon has momentum as well as wavelength.

  • De Broglie gave the relationship between wavelength (λ) and momentum (p) of a material particle.

Where, m is the mass of the particle and v is its velocity

  • According to de Broglie, every object in motion has a wave character.

  • Wavelengths of objects having large masses are so short that their wave properties cannot be detected.

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