differentiate between cell organelle and cell inclusion?

Cell organelles are the specific structures present inside the cell that have specific functions to perform in different cell metabolic activities. They are mostly membrane bound. Mitochondria, ribosome, plastid, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, golgi apparatus etc are cell organelles.

Cell inclusions are the non living components present inside the cells that are not membrane bound and do not possess any cell metabolic activities. Lipids, pigments, glycogen etc. are examples of cell inclusions.

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The eukaryotic cells are much more complex than prokaryotic cells. The most obvious difference is the variety of structures in the cytoplasm. Most of these structures are composed of membranes. In eukaryotes, membranes partition the cytoplasm into compartments, which biologists call membranous organelles. Many of the chemical activities of cells activities known collectively as cellular metabolism-occur in the fluid filled spaces within membranous organelles.
The cell inclusions are also known as ergastic substances. They can be found in both pro and eukaryotic cells. They are represented by various organic and inorganic substances that can be classified under the following three categories

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